Can I Have a Tiny House in My Backyard? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

In a world where we are constantly surrounded by people and buildings, it can be difficult to find peace. This is what makes living in a tiny house so appealing. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of tiny houses and discuss whether or not you can have one in your backyard!

In most cases, yes you can put a tiny house in your backyard. However, it is important to speak with local authorities before making any decisions about this project. There are many varieties of tiny houses and each has its own pros and cons that must be considered thoroughly beforehand.

While that is the simple answer we need to explore this question in a little more detail. I hope to help you make the journey of having a tiny house in your backyard much smoother journey. 

Rules And Regulations

State to state regulations vary. For example, in California, a tiny home under 200 square feet can be placed on any property that is not within 600 ft. of the coastline or 100ft from an occupied dwelling. Without requiring zoning approval and/or planning commission review if they meet certain requirements.

In Wisconsin, there are no regulations as to whether or not a tiny house can be placed in your backyard. However, having it on the property does limit its size and location.

The requirements vary from state to state so you should research them prior and speak with local authorities before making any decisions about this.

You generally will only hit a roadblock if the tiny home is the only property on the land. You should have no problem as long as your plot meets all local regulations for backyard homes such as setbacks and depth.

Building a Tiny House as a Secondary Home

When looking at building a tiny house in the backyard is would be fair to assume that it won’t be your only home. Therefore, this will make a big difference in terms of planning and permissions. 

If you are adding a tiny house to the land you already own it is unlikely that you will run into too many problems with your planning department. 

Additionally, adding a tiny home to your backyard can actually increase the property value which will make all of your neighbors happy.

Building Your Tiny House On A Foundation

Building a tiny house on foundations is simply a small version of a traditional home. The tiny house will be much smaller than the average single-family dwelling and it can often fit on one level, but that doesn’t mean you should skimp out when choosing your foundation!

The foundations will be normally made from a concrete foundation or a wooden frame. 

When constructing your tiny house with foundations it is important to use people that know their trade well because it will be the base of your home.

Pros of Building Your Tiny House on a Foundation

Building your tiny house on a foundation can have many advantages. If you are considering building one, below is some information to help make the decision easier for yourself: 

More Substantial Build – You will be able to use more than just wood and nails as material – this could possibly increase insulation within these walls because of better airtight properties in comparison with a more traditional stick-built assembly.

Different Size Options – You will be able to choose from a variety of shapes and sizes that are built with the tiny house in minds such as lofted ceilings or an outdoor deck.

Saving -You may have increased savings during these colder months because you would not need heating equipment installed on your property which can help reduce utility costs if it is attached to your home.

Cons of Having a Tiny House On a Foundation

Planning Blocks – Building codes and zoning requirements for your area may limit where the tiny house can sit on a foundation. This means that it could prevent the use of an optimal space such as in front or back yards. With close proximity access from major roads nearby if they have building restrictions against this type project being built there at all.

Hard Sell -You are subjecting yourself or future owners to have to pay more for your property as it now has a permanent addition.

Not Movable – When you have a more permanent residence, the tiny house can not be moved to another location.

Building A Tiny Houses Without A Foundation 

There are two main types of tiny houses without foundations. Those that are built on a trailer bed to be easily moved. The other option is those with wheels, but no permanent foundation.  

Tiny Homes On Wheels

A tiny house that is built on a flatbed attached to wheels that can range from 10 feet all the way to well over 40 feet.

Tiny homes that can be moved from place to place are pretty common and what many people refer to when they talk about a tiny house. There is even one community in the United States where these houses exist!

Pros of A Tiny House On Wheels

  • Very Movable 
  • Easy To Get Planning
  • Customizable 
  • Easy To Sell

They are easy to transport and move from place to place. This is a great option for people who switch careers often, like artists or photographers because they can easily take their home with them where ever the work takes off at that moment! Besides traveling there’s no need of storing your tiny house as well when you’re not using it.

They are more comfortable than you might think, especially when they have a loft bed and other amenities like an entertainment center or kitchenette that is included in the design of each house!

Lastly, the resale value is more than a tiny house that has been built on a foundation. You can live in your space while you’re living there for free and then sell it if you want to later on!

Cons of A Tiny House On Wheels

  • Towing can be daunting
  • Maintenance Can Be High
  • Upfront Cost
  • Build Can Be Hard

The tiny house on a trailer will provide many benefits, such as being mobile and affordable. But, it may also have drawbacks like weak tires that can dry-rot or rust.

Building a tiny home on wheels is also more complex than building your standard house. Firstly, it must be able to withstand the condition you wouldn’t have to worry about with a stationary home such as wind or snowstorms. 

Secondly, plumbing and electricity will need special consideration because they are hooked up similarly to those of mobile homes rather than regular houses what require fewer stressors from their environment.

You’ll also need to consider how you will tow your tiny house. For this, you can choose from a variety of cars and trucks with varying weight capacities as well as the ability to tow trailers/tiny houses weighing up to 5 tons depending on the model.

Tiny Houses FAQ’s

We often see many questions about tiny homes and having them in your backyard. We have taken some of the most common questions and given our findings. 

Do you need planning permission for a tiny house?

Mobile homes are becoming more and more popular in recent years with people wanting to be able to move their homes from place to place. One major benefit of these types of houses is that they can often fit on a property. Without requiring any planning permission, as long as members use the house for additional living space.

How much would it cost to build a tiny house in my backyard?

The idea of living in a tiny house is gaining popularity. The average cost for one, however, can vary wildly from $8k to upwards of $150K! One appealing part about building your own home? You get to choose how many frills you want it to have – whether that’s an entertainment center or just a simple kitchenette.

Is it cheaper to buy or build a tiny house?

It’s typically cheaper to build a tiny house than buy one. We asked several first-time builders, whose costs ranged from $12,000 and up. But it is possible to construct a tiny home for less than $10k. One couple paid 8K$ in order to build their 24ft long by 8 ft wide by 13ft tall Tiny House!

What states allow tiny homes?

For those wanting to take the plunge into tiny living, there are many great US states where you can find a home that will suit your needs. Some of these include California, Florida, and Texas with their beautiful weather all year round. The tiny home movement has gained traction in recent years. For its potential benefits including being less expensive, more mobile, and sustainable!

Why are tiny houses illegal?

Tiny houses are illegal in several US states primarily because of their building codes. If a state doesn’t recognize tiny houses as legitimate structures in its construction code, then it’s very likely that they’re illegal.

Can a family of 4 live in a tiny house?

The new trend in the tiny house movement is multi-person homes. These companies make it their goal to create a home for 4 or more people. With unique features that maximize space and comfort while still remaining eco-friendly.

How long do tiny houses last?

It is crucial that a tiny house be built with the right materials. Otherwise, it will only last for years or even decades before being knocked over by one strong wind. This begs the question: how long does our home have to last?

Are tiny houses safe in storms?

Tiny houses are safe during storms that fall into categories 3 and below. They’re typically built out of light but durable materials, which can withstand heavy rainfall or moderate winds with ease. Whether it’s a major hurricane like Hurricane Harvey, tiny homes still offer some form of resistance!

Is tiny house living worth it?

The great thing about living in a tiny home is that you’ll never have to worry about expensive utility bills. Since space comes with lower electricity costs, smaller monthly payments, and reduced upkeep fees it’s worth looking into!

Do you pay taxes on tiny houses?

Homeowners living in tiny houses on wheels don’t have to pay property taxes. But the freedom of not having any permanent location comes with its set of problems. For starters, owners will need a place for their home that is zoned appropriately. They’ll also be paying extra real estate tax even if it’s only temporary!