Can I Have a Fire in My Backyard? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Can I have a fire in my backyard? This is the question that many people ask themselves when they are deciding what to do with their property. If you want to have a campfire, then there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow. 

Just because it’s the off-season doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your fire pit. If a clean burn is what you’re looking for, then backyard burning might be just right! It’s not only relaxing and fun but also an excellent way to get rid of old junk in the process- we know that feeling all too well here at Fire Services Unlimited!

What Are The Laws Regarding Fires In Your Backyard?

From a federal perspective, you are allowed to practice burning in your backyard as long you follow some basic guidelines.

First, the fire must be in a container that is at least three feet from any structure or combustible material and it cannot exceed one foot high by two feet wide (so no bonfires).  

Second: The person who starts this type of burn needs to have an operable water supply on-site for extinguishing purposes.

thirdly there should not more than 25 pounds per hour released into the atmosphere during the combustion process. So make sure the smoke doesn’t get too thick! 

And last but certainly most importantly never leave burning materials unattended while they are still lit up.

Factors That Come Into Play With Backyard Fires

There are several things you need to consider when you are thinking of having a backyard fire. 

Fire safety should be your main concern. You should never have a fire in your backyard if you are not sure that it is safe to do so. There may be restrictions on what types of fires can happen were depending upon the area’s laws or regulations (for example some cities prohibit all open-air burning). 

You also need an operable water supply for extinguishing purposes nearby at any time when having this type of burn. 

Just because something isn’t happening right now doesn’t mean things won’t change quickly! 

Backyard Fire Regulations In Your Location 

Your local authorities will in most cases decide whether or not you can have a fire based on the regulations of your area. 

If you are in an urban or suburban setting, there may be restrictions on what types of fires can happen. Were depending upon the laws and/or regulation (for example some cities prohibit all open-air burning). 

If this is not a concern for where you live then it might still depend if any fireplaces exist at home. That could cause smoke to enter into other parts of the house which would violate air quality standards set by local authorities. 

In these cases, one should contact their city’s code enforcement office before having outdoor burns. As they will have more information about how close such activities need to take place. From structures like homes, schools, etc. So make sure no violations occur!

What Can Affect If You Can Have A Fire?

There are many factors that can affect whether or not you’re allowed to have a fire. For example, some cities prohibit all open-air burning while others only restrict fires in certain areas of the city (like near homes).

Some of the key factors the local authorities will base their decision on will be:

Air quality alerts

If there is an air quality alert in your area, you will not be able to have a fire. The same goes for if the smoke from such fires would violate any other local regulations (like near homes). 

Dry conditions

Some weather apps will offer fire watches and warnings that will let you know if the conditions are dry enough to have a fire.

If the conditions are not conducive for fires due to the risk of spreading, the authorities will not allow you to have a fire.

Wind direction 

Often overlooked is the wind and the direction it is blowing will have a major factor in the decision.

If there is a strong wind, it will be difficult to have an open fire because of how quickly and easily fires can spread in such conditions (like near homes).  

The same goes for if you are located close enough that any sparks from your backyard. Could reach nearby buildings or trees on dry days when they’re more likely to catch alight. Due to their lack of moisture content which would make them highly flammable as well.

With a strong wind, a fire could quickly spread to nearby homes or trees.

If the conditions are not conducive for fires due to the risk of spreading, authorities will refuse your permission. It is your responsibility as a homeowner/citizen in that area (or country) with fire restrictions imposed on them by their local authority’s laws. Such rules may be enforced through fines if broken. 

If there isn’t an open flame ban then make sure it is safe first. 


If you live near a road the visibility will play a role if you can have a fire. If you live in a rural area, visibility is less of an issue. 

Smoke from a fire can be blown into roads making it hard for drivers to see.

The smoke can also be blown into nearby homes and cause health problems such as eye irritation, coughing, or difficulty breathing in some people with asthma 

Types of fuel

The types of fuel that you are burning will have a great bearing on the type of fire that you are able to have. 

You can’t burn anything with an open flame if it is a prohibited material such as gasoline, kerosene, or other flammable liquids. Also, solids like rubber tires in your backyard because will create too much smoke. 

This could be dangerous for people nearby who may not know what’s going on at first glance when seeing black plumes coming from behind their homes! 

You also need permission before burning these materials even though there isn’t any law against them being used indoors. 

It would still depend upon where exactly this person lives. Since some areas prohibit certain types while others allow all sorts. So make sure beforehand by checking local laws about outdoor fires near residential neighborhoods.

One common question with fule is Can I Burn Leaves in my Backyard? We have all the answers in our guide. 

Tips For Safe Backyard Burning

If you are sure that you want a fire and it is legal to do so then you will want it all to go smoothly. Having some fire safety tips will help you get through the process without any major problems.

There are 3 main stages to a backyard fire that you should follow. Even before the fire preparation during and then once the fire has ended. 

Before You Start Your Fire

Before you start your fire, make sure that it is legal to have one in the area. You should also check with local authorities about any restrictions on fires near residential neighborhoods. Be aware of how close they are allowed before starting a backyard burn off-limits or too big for safety reasons. 

It’s always best if there isn’t anything flammable nearby like dry leaves so keep them away from where ever will light up first. 

Have a garden hose nearby in case the fire gets out of control. 

It’s also a good idea to have an extinguisher on hand in case the fire spreads too quickly or is difficult for you and your family members alone.

Make preparations ahead of time just in case something goes wrong during this process which could happen due to accidents.

During the Fire

When you have finally lit the fire you need to keep an eye on small children and pets that are in the area. 

It’s a good idea to have them stay inside or take their attention away from what is happening outside of your home. 

So they don’t get hurt and you can keep an eye on everyone at once without worrying about anyone else getting injured during this process as well. 

Which could happen due to accidents like falling into something hot while trying not to be burned. By any sparks flying around too close near where people might stand when watching it burn. 

You should have an off-limits area because there’s no need if someone gets burnt with fire. If someone does get burnt then call 911 immediately! 

Synthetic clothing is a bad idea to wear when doing this because it can melt onto your skin and cause more burns.

If you’re wearing natural fibers then make sure they are not too close-fitting or tight. 

If a spark does fly out of the fire towards them there is room for airflow in between clothing layers. Which will help keep them from getting burnt by any sparks as well! 

You should also have some water nearby just in case someone gets burned with hot embers.

After the Fire

Be careful when having yard fires because humans cause 90% or all forest/wildland blazes.

It’s important to make sure that you put out the fire completely before leaving it.  

It can be hard for a lot of people but if there are any embers left, they will start another wild-fire! 

Douse the embers of a fire with water once it is completely extinguished to make sure that there are no sparks leftover and start another wild-fire!

Don’t be the next human to start a wildfire and be responsible!

The best way to be safe is by being prepared. 

Backyard Fire FAQ

There are many questions people have about backyard fires we answer some of the most common ones below. 

Can you have an open fire in your backyard?

Yes, you can build backyard fire pits. As long as they follow the laws and regulations set by your county, you are free to take portable units with you on camp-outs or even construct them at campsites!

How big of a fire can I have in my backyard?

If you’re a resident of the Unified Fire Authority, then there are some regulations for backyard fire pits that need to be followed. The fuel area should not exceed 2 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter; if it does these measurements must have additional safety measures taken into account like a metal cover or rimmed with rocks to protect against wind-blown embers.

Interested residents from the town can enjoy their very own backyard fire pit as long as they abide by certain rules. Such as making sure that airflow is going upwards so no ashes scatter around your house when the breeze picks up!

Is a fire pit considered an open fire?

Open burning is a tempting activity in the summer. But many municipalities prohibit open fires that are not on an elevated surface. This includes fire pits and bonfires – all of which have been known to cause serious burns. Due to flammable materials coming into contact with them or spreading as they are prone to wind-blown sparks.

Is it OK to burn cardboard in a fire pit?

Cardboard is great for tinder and a good way to start fires, but it can lead you to some serious health problems if not burned properly. Burning cardboard releases harmful chemicals like dioxins from the treatment process or inks. They contain heavy metals such as nickel which are toxic when inhaled over time.

Conclusion About Fires In Your Yard

A backyard fire can be relaxing and help bound friends and family. Just make sure to be prepared and safe.

The best way is by being responsible!

Following some basic safety tips and practicing common sense. Can help you enjoy your backyard fire without the worry of starting a wildfire.

Make sure to put out any embers that are leftover and make it safe for everyone!