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Can I have a pig in my backyard? You might be wondering what the big deal is. Pigs are not only adorable, but they also produce some of the tastiest meat you can find! 

If you’re looking to start your own farm or just want more fresh food from your yard, then this blog post is for you. We will go over everything that you need to know about owning and caring for pigs in order to make sure that both of these animals are happy and healthy.

Yes, you can successfully keep a pig in your backyard. Local laws and zoning restrictions may not allow it in some circumstances. A simple shelter and secure fencing will be needed in the backyard for your pig.

So, we can successfully keep a pig in the backyard but we first need to check the law in our area. We run over some of the things you will need to consider when keeping a backyard pig.

Is It Legal?

The law differs from state to state and you will need to check local laws and zoning restrictions. Some cities may have regulations on how many pigs are allowed per property.

Pigs are a wonderful addition to any yard. They’re easy to take care of but they do require some extra considerations before bringing them into your neighborhood or home. 

Before you come across too many problems, be sure that pigs have been legal in the area. For at least 6 months and there is no ordinance against owning one inside city limits. 

So it’s safe from being seized by animal control officers should someone call (so check with local authorities). 

You’ll also want to make sure if building new structures on-site will comply with regulations as well as making room for fencing which can help keep out predators.

Pig Are Sociable

Believe it or not, pigs are sociable animals and do need attention from other animals or people. 

If your pig does not have any companionship, it may become restless, mischievous, and aggressive even biting people. 

You don’t need multiple pigs but other animals in your yard such as a dog, chicken, can give your pig company. 

Fence In Your Pig Properly

Fencing in your pigs with secure posts and wire mesh, or at least two feet high will help keep out predators so they are safe from coyotes as well raccoons that would love an easy meal of bacon! 

When looking at a pig you may not believe this but they are excellent escape artists so make sure the gate is always shut. 

You can choose panel fences, wire fences, field fences, or even electric fences, whichever you prefer to keep your pig safe and secure. 

The best type of fencing would be a panel fence that is at least five feet high. With some mesh in the bottom for drainage purposes as well. Just make sure there are also some places where they can not get out under. 

If an electric wire is your preference it’s important to check for any possible faults in the wire and make sure that they are properly installed.

If you have a long fence line, there should be one or two gates so if something happens on either end of those lines then animals can still escape easily just remember pigs don’t like being alone!

Suitable Pig Shelter

Your pig won’t need too many shelters but they do need some shelter for hot days as well as cold days.

Some types of shelter could be a shed, an old trailer or they might just want to pile up some hay for protection from the sun and rain!  

You will need something that is at least four feet tall with plenty of room on either side so your pig can lay down in comfort while still being protected by their shelter.

If you would like your pig to have a more permanent shelter then looking into building an insulated shed is the best option for them! 

Backyard Pig Feeding

Pigs need plenty of food to sustain their sheer size. You’ll need to feed them around 30 lbs of food every day. On average, a pig will eat about three times as much dry matter as its body weight!  

That means you should be feeding your pigs 600 pounds or more per year just on this staple alone.        

Kitchen scraps, windfall apples, and overgrown vegetation are great sources of food for your pigs.  

Along with giving them scraps, you’ll need to supplement their diet of feed (which is more expensive than kitchen scrap). So they can get the nutrients and vitamins that are not found in food waste alone!  

Pigs also love fruits like oranges or apples as an occasional treat if given sparingly because these items are high in sugar.

The best way to train your pig is by feeding it a food lure, which can be anything from cheerios or table scraps! 

Pigs are known for their intelligence and they will soon learn where the most coveted foods come when you call them around with an enticing treat like crumbs of bread on cue!

Pig Spar

Your pig will need lots of freshwater within its enclosure to keep hydrated. 

A person may go a spar to relax in a hot tub a pig’s equivalent is rolling down in the mud hole or a wallow.

A pig wallow will keep your pig happy and healthy. By coating its skin with a natural sunscreen that prevents sunburns, which can cause pig illness.

Pig Odor Control

It is not surprising that an animal that loves to roller around in mud doesn’t smell very nice. 

The first step to dealing with this issue is picking up after your pig. It will also require a good scrubbing of the living area and surrounding areas. 

Where there may be dirt that has been tracked in from outside on paws. 

To help deal specifically with odor control you can use an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover. 

When using this cleaner, it is important to completely saturate the urine or feces and then allow time for drying before allowing access back into that area again (ideally 24 hours).

A good way of cleaning up any type of odors from your pig. When you can’t get a hold of them right away would be vinegar.

Pig Enclosure Size 

Pigs need room to roam with a minimum of two pigs per acre. Of space for the pig’s entire living area needs at least 4000 square feet. Which are about equal in size to an average home without any furniture inside! 

It should also have access from multiple directions which is necessary for the pig to be able to make a full circle before returning back.

Pig Vet Care

If you are keeping a pig as a pet and not for butchering. You will need to make sure you take them in for a check-up every six months.

A vet should be able to tell if the pig has any internal parasites. Is not eating on its own or getting enough food due to an illness, and more!  

As well as making recommendations about diet. Based on what they find out during your examination with a diagnosis from the vet.

A veterinarian can also provide you with the necessary supplies for your pig including modified bedding, food dish and more! 


Pigs are known for their delicious meat, so it’s not surprising that many people want to raise them. There is just a little work involved before you’re ready for the bacon!

There are many animals people want to know for instance we have an article Can I Have a Sheep in My Backyard?

If you are looking to raise a pig for its meat or a family pet preparation is key to giving your pig a happy life.