One of the biggest problems with sitting out in your backyard is the pesky wind. It’s hard to enjoy sitting next to a pool or fire pit when you have no control over where the wind blows! That is why we are going to go over some tips and solutions on how best to block that pesky wind from ruining your day outside.
This blog post will help you find out what type of materials work best for blocking the wind, as well as different ways you can block it yourself. We’ll also discuss some other tricks you can do outside like using plants and trees so that they shield themselves from those winds before they reach you, or even just changing up your seating arrangements!
One of the best ways to block out wind from your house is by using a type of natural barriers, like trees and shrubs. For example, dense evergreen plants that are planted close to your home on the north or northwest side do an excellent job at keeping it protected year-round.
Let’s take a look at some of the best ways of blocking wind in your backyard.
10 Ways How to Block Wind in Your Backyard
- Use a Deck Fence Screen
- Build A Wooden Fence
- Install Artificial Hedge Wall
- Add Glass Walls
- Place screening Around Sitting Area
- Plant Shrubs
- Plant Trees
- Install Windscreen
- Add Outdoor Shades
- Use Wind Blocking Furniture
1. Use a Deck Fence Screen

These can be a perfect solution for anyone with an open deck or patio. The screen blocks most wind, and gives you the ability to see through it so that you can keep your view unobstructed! You can hang them on either side of eaves or overhangs, but they should never interrupt airflow in any way when installed properly.
2. Build A Wooden Fence

The most popular type of wind blocker is the fence. If you have a yard that’s close to your home, then it can be a great investment for blocking cold winds! You’ll need to make sure that you’re putting up sturdy fences and not just panels or screens since they won’t do much good against strong winds.
3. Install Artificial Hedge Wall
If you have a large yard, then it may be difficult to install fencing in the back. That’s where artificial hedges come into play! This is an easy way to divide your yard and also provide wind protection from behind. The best part about this option is that there are no wires or fence posts required; all of those materials will be artificial and made of durable materials.
4. Add Glass Walls

If you want to have a nice view of the outside world without being bothered by wind, then adding glass walls can be an excellent solution. You’ll need enough space in your backyard for this and it does cost more than most other options; but if you’re looking for something easy on the eyes with no obstructions, then this is one of the best options for you.
5. Place screening Around Sitting Area
If you’re having trouble with wind and don’t want a lot of maintenance, then placing screening around your sitting areas is an excellent way to go. You can place these materials on the ground or hang them from poles in order to create a barrier between yourself and the outside world; it’s important though that they are placed close enough together so that wind cannot get through.
To make sure that you’re getting the best wind protection, then it is important to find screening material that blocks as much of the wind and does not let air come in from any other direction.
There are many types of mesh screens on the market. Some with “holes” smaller than others. The most inexpensive ones are made of plastic mesh or metal hardware cloth.
You can also find nylon screening, which is very strong and durable but more expensive than the other options.
Remember to change out your screens regularly so that they do not become damaged from sun exposure; this will help them last longer as well. It’s a good idea to store some new screens in the basement or garage to make sure that you always have them on hand.
6. Plant Shrubs

In addition to screening your deck, it is important to block the wind from coming in through other parts of your yard. One way you can do this is by planting shrubs near any entrances that lead into your backyard. Taller bushes work best for this but shorter ones will also provide protection if they are planted close enough together. You want to plant them so that they are about three to four feet away from the entrance.
7. Plant Trees
If you are going to plant taller bushes, it is important that you also have some trees in your yard. The height of the tree and bush combo will make any outside wind feel like a gentle breeze without actually blocking out as much light from coming into your backyard. Trees can be placed anywhere around your property but they should be planted at least three feet away from any fences or sheds.
8. Install Windscreen
A windscreen is a great option if you have an entrance that leads straight into your backyard. This can be installed in minutes and it will help to block the wind from coming inside of your property. You can purchase some type of screening material, like plastic or metal mesh, and attach it to any outside wall near where the wind blows through.
9. Add Outdoor Shades
If you don’t have a windscreen, or if the entrance is not near any walls, then one of your options will be to find an outdoor shade that can help block out the wind. You’ll need to purchase at least six feet in length and attach it so that it hangs over from all sides.
10. Use Wind Blocking Furniture
Another option for blocking the wind is to use furniture that will help block it out. You can buy a large piece of plywood and attach some chairs or benches so that they are facing in one direction, then tuck them into any nooks you have on your property where there isn’t much space.