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The choice between artificial and real grass is not an easy one. There is no substitute for the earthy feel of natural grass just like nothing compares to the ease having artificial grass brings to life. But this choice can be made much simpler by carefully looking at the pros and cons of each.

Here is how the benefits offered by artificial grass differ from those provided by real grass.

  • No water usage
  • No mowing
  • Aesthetics
  • Safe
  • Life expectancy
  • Usable in any weather
  • Experience
  • A natural, earthy scent
  • Improved air quality
  • Environment friendly
  • Cost-effective
  • Variety of species

If you are finding the choice between the two difficult, explore these benefits in detail below to decide which ones you simply cannot afford to let go of.

Why choose Artificial Grass?

No water usage

The water usage for natural grass isn’t meager. It is estimated that an 800 square feet lawn requires almost 150,000 gallons of water yearly. But with artificial grass, no water is used and with that, utility spending is also decreased.

No mowing

Not only does the low maintenance required for artificial grass mean that you wouldn’t have to regularly put in the effort of mowing your lawn, but it also reduces your carbon footprint. The fumes released by the burning of petroleum and other similar products when using a lawnmower contribute to greenhouse gases. So along with saving your energy and expenditure, you would also be saving the environment.


With all the modern varieties of artificial grass available, it can often get difficult to tell it apart from real grass. The best part about this grass is that it always looks as lush and aesthetic as you want it to. Changing seasons, regular use, or wear – nothing takes away from the beautiful green of an artificial lawn. At last, the grass can always be greener on your side!


Artificial grass is also said to be safer than natural grass because post-production, it is not treated with any chemicals such as pesticides or fertilisers. This means that it is often not safe for people, and especially children, to be on the grass, particularly when it has recently been sprayed.

Life expectancy

Artificial grass – a high-quality one – can even last up to 25 years. This not only means having a product with a guaranteed long lifetime, but also that the initial installation cost of the grass would be easily repaid by the time the grass isn’t usable anymore.

Usable in any weather

Another attractive feature of this type of grass is that rain or other weather conditions do not render it useless for some time. Even if it rained just a while ago, the grass can easily be used for playing, walking, or simply sitting. This means that, unlike natural grass, you do not have to wait hours for the grass to dry before you can get on it.

Why choose Real Grass?


No matter how closely the artificial grass types emulate natural grass, the feeling of sitting on natural grass and running your fingers through the blades simply cannot be paralleled. Artificial grass feels plastic to the touch – it essentially is plastic. So those who love walking on wet grass or like the way wind blows the grass blades, won’t be satisfied with artificial grass even if its texture is quite like natural grass.


Those who argue in favour of natural grass always bring up the point of its scent and feel. Artificial grass, no matter how aesthetically pleasing, simply cannot give off a natural, fresh-cut smell. Similarly, no matter how close it looks to real grass, it never feels the same to touch. This is why many manufacturers are now trying to add fresh grass-like scent in artificial grass, but it is hard to believe they can get the exact smell right.

Environment friendly

While the debate on which of these two types of grass are more environment-friendly keeps going on, the role of natural grass in retaining water and soil nutrients cannot be denied. There are also no antimicrobial treatments done to natural grass, unlike artificial grass, so it is not toxic to aquatic life either. Moreover, natural grass helps keep the temperatures low and does not pose risks such as non-biodegradability.

Variety of species

There are an estimated 12,000 species of grass worldwide. It’s true that not all of them can be used for yards and gardens at home, but there is still a wide variety of options to choose from. Those who are very serious about gardening and their lawns would most probably have a species of choice they want. No matter how many designs artificial grass comes in, it simply cannot compete with all that a particular variety of natural grass can offer.


There are multiple factors when it comes to the overall cost of installing artificial grass vs planting natural grass. Generally though, growing natural grass is cheaper than getting artificial grass installed.

However, in the long run, natural grass would keep requiring water, chemicals, and mowing. Artificial grass, on the other hand, only costs during the installation. That being said, the type of grass, the area it is being grown or installed at, and the size all contribute in varying ways to the final cost. This is why, keeping a majority of grass types and sizes in view, natural grass is considered to cost less.

Improved air quality

With natural grass, there is always fresh oxygen being given off (unless late at night). This keeps the air around the grass relatively free of pollutants and even lowers the temperatures. And it just cannot be exactly explained or denied that being near natural grass is just so therapeutic with how crisp the air is.

Reasons Artificial Grass is Best

While the ultimate choice lies with the buyer and depends upon their needs and wants, with how much artificial grass has improved over the years, one simply cannot decide against it. The

  • High life expectancy,
  • Almost zero care requirements,
  • Absolutely beautiful look,
  • Ability to be installed literally anywhere,
  • and how safe and usable it is,

high-quality artificial grass often outweighs natural grass.