How to Get Rid of Gnats in Backyard: Easy Solutions that Work is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Gnats are a common problem in the summertime. They love to hang out near potted plants and flowers, but they also like hanging out indoors. Gnats can be quite annoying because of the buzzing noise they make as well as the fact that they will sting you if you get too close to them! In this blog post, we’ll share 11 ways on how to get rid of gnats in your backyard for good!

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of gnats? If so, then this homemade trap will be perfect! All it requires is a bowl filled with vinegar and some dish soap. The solution attracts the flies with its strong scent, but they cannot escape because the soap creates a film on their wings that prevents them from flying away.

While that is the quick and simple way of eradicating your gnat problem if you truly want to rid them forever. You will want to get to follow a simple step process that we have below to stop them ever coming back.

What Causes Gnats to Come to Your Backyard?

Gnats love to mold and fungus and will be drawn to anything that’s decomposing, like fallen leaves or other decaying plant matter.

One of the most common reasons for gnats to come into your backyard is because you have rotting or dead vegetation. This will attract all kinds of insects, including fruit and plant-eating ones.

Standing water is also a reason for gnats to come into your backyard. They are attracted by the smell of rotting plants and animals, so they will congregate near it or in it.

You also might have over-watered your lawn or garden which can create a habitat perfect for all sorts of insects including gnats.

Insects that carry diseases can also be a cause of gnats in your backyard. This is especially true if you have any fruits or vegetables growing nearby.

Gnats like warm, humid climates and are most active during the summertime when temperatures soar. The hotter it gets, the more they will swarm around to seek relief from thirst!

How to Get Rid Of Gnats in Backyard

Kill gnat larvae. The biggest problem with this solution is finding the gnat larvae. You’ll need to do a thorough inspection of your yard or garden and look for any type of decaying vegetation. Gnats can be attracted by the smell, so if you find something that smells like it’s been rotting for too long then gnat larvae are likely living in there!

Once you’ve found some larvae, pour boiling water on them. This will kill them and prevent any more from growing in that location!

You can purchase Gnatrol which will do the job but the downside is that you need to apply it every few weeks.

Traps. If you don’t want to use chemicals or boiling water, then one of the best ways to kill both adult and larvae gnats is by using traps.

The most common type of trap is yellow sticky strips with a chemical in them that will either dissolve when they come into contact with liquid or burst under pressure – this kills any gnats stuck to it.

The downside is that the trap attracts more gnats, so they need replacing every few weeks and you’ll have a sticky mess if you try to use them indoors!

Another type of trap is live-catch bugs which will catch any adult or larvae gnat as long as there’s an opening in them. The trap is made from a plastic container with holes in it and attracts the gnats by using either a light or sweet-smelling substance (or both).

Plants. You can also buy plants that have been shown to attract gnats, such as Cilantro and Mint – plant them near your garden beds where they will grow quickly into an attractive, non-invasive hedge. While this will not rid you of gnats they can be attracted away from where you sit in your backyard. 

Home-made gnat trap. All it requires is a bowl filled with vinegar and some dish soap. The solution attracts the flies with its strong scent, but they cannot escape because the soap creates a film on their wings that prevents them from flying away.

Repellents. There are many commercial repellents available to buy, but you can also make your own. Put a few drops of peppermint oil in vinegar and leave it outside near the problem area – gnats hate this smell!

Chemical controls. If you don’t want to use a repellent, try using chemical control. There are many on the market that work well – just follow instructions!

While no solution might not be perfect, it’s certainly better than doing nothing at all! Combat these pesky insects with one of these remedies and

How to Prevent Gnats From Returning

Remove rotting vegetation. so it’s important that if any plants in your yard are wilted, dying, or rotten, they will be removed as soon as possible. Gnats will also come into your yard because of any standing water that’s been sitting for a while and needs to be emptied.

Fix water pipes. Check your water pipes for leaks, and fix them. Any leaks can be causing pooling water which will attack the gnats.

Remove breeding grounds. Damp wet soil with decaying plant matter is a perfect breeding ground. Cover the soil with a thin layer of wood ash, it’s an effective natural pesticide.  

Lower lighting. If you’re using light for your garden, try lowering the intensity. Gnats are attracted to bright lights and will swarm them if they’ve been present in the area.

Cover garbage. Gnats are attracted to garbage and will swarm anything that’s in a bag or can. Keep your cans covered with plastic lids so the gnats won’t be able to lay their eggs there.

Clean up. Remove any standing water. Cover the soil with a thin layer of wood ash to discourage growth or scrub it away and replace it with clean, dry sand if possible. Clean up fallen leaves on plants in the fall so they don’t rot, decompose and attract gnats during winter months.

FAQ’s about removing gnats from your backyard 

When people are having problems with any pest in their backyard they want easy quick solutions. We have put together some of the most commonly asked questions about ridding gnats from the backyard. 

What causes gnats in your yard?

Gnats are attracted to your property because of fungal sources, moisture, and rotting organic matter. They lay their eggs there as well so you need to find the cause before they get out of control!

What is the fastest way to get rid of gnats?

It’s time to get rid of those pesky gnats! One great way is by making a mixture with water, sugar, and dish soap. You can also make the same thing by substituting red wine for vinegar. If you find them hovering near plumbing fixtures, pour diluted bleach down your sink or tub drain instead.

What are gnats attracted to outside?

Gnats are the peskiest during the spring and fall seasons, but if your region has a wet climate they can be an everyday problem. To dry out moist areas outside to help deter gnats from breeding in these locations. Eliminate dark patches of organic matter like overgrown bushes or leaf piles. That could provide shelter for them near water sources such as ponds or streams.

Why are the gnats so bad outside?

Gnats can invade your house and make it unbearable. They’re attracted to moist areas such as rotting fruit, over-watered plants, damp sinks, or drains. This is bad for the gnat’s victim – you!