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Skunks are pretty cute, but that doesn’t mean they belong in your backyard! Skunks can be a huge headache for homeowners. In this blog post, we will discuss how to keep skunks out of the backyard and avoid all the trouble they cause.

Keeping skunks out of the backyard is a two-step process that first involves making your yard hard to access. Once you have this dialed down then you need to make your backyard unattractive to any determined skunks that get into your backyard. 

How to Keep Skunks Out of Your Backyard

Keeping your backyard hard to access will be your first point to tackle below are the first two things you need to do.

Patch holes.

One of the best ways to keep skunks out is by patching holes they might use in the yard. Skunk spray has a very strong odor, and if it gets on a pet or child (or worse), it can be life-threatening!

  • We recommend installing a metal screen over large holes such as those from removing bushes and trees.
  • Cover open ground with gravel, pebbles, or broken glass to discourage digging and burrowing for food or shelter. 
  • Use flea collars around the perimeter of your yard – they’re small, effective, inexpensive (usually costing less than $25), easy to use, and work by emitting a low-level electric shock.

Eliminate possible den sites.

Skunks like to build their dens in dark, dry places with good access to food and water. Remove any potential den sites by:

  • Removing piles of junk or clutter from the yard
  • Filling holes where pipes enter or exit the house (skunk odor can linger for months after a skunk enters your home) 
  • Filling holes or trenches where pipes run undergrounds, such as under sidewalks and driveways

How to Prevent Skunks From Coming Back to Your Backyard

Once you have protected the perimeter of your backyard and you have made it hard for the skunks to enter. You need to move onto prevention methods.

Feed your pets inside. Skunks are attracted to your pets’ food and will often follow the odor right into your house. If you feed your dog or cat inside, it’ll keep skunk problems at bay. 

Remove bugs and rodents. Skunks are omnivores, but they love eating insects and rodents. Set up a humane trap to catch the bugs or mice in your backyard; make sure you don’t use sticky glue traps because skunks will often avoid these if there’s another food source around.

Store bird and pet food inside. Skunks are also drawn to the scent of animal and bird feed, so store your pet’s food inside or in a shed. If you are storing your bird food outside make sure you use a feeder with metal mesh to keep the food out of reach from skunks.

Secure garbage cans. Skunks are especially drawn to the smell of garbage, so make sure you secure your cans with a tight lid or bungee cords.

Disturb the peace. Skunks are nocturnal animals, so even more than usual they’ll be out prowling around during the night. If you see one near your property in daylight hours it’s best not to try and chase them away or get too close; skunk spray can travel up to a mile downwind and cause temporary blindness for victims. Instead, try to scare the animal away by throwing bricks at it or making loud noises.

Natural skunk repellents. Some people have found that certain plants, such as peppermint and lavender, can help keep skunks away. These natural remedies work best when they’re planted in garden beds near the entrances to areas you want to protect from a potential intruder or placed around your trashcans. Citrus, ammonia, and predator urine can be combined to create a potent scent that skunks are unlikely to cross. The smell is so strong, it will keep them away from your property for months on end.

Use bright yard lights. Skunks are nocturnal animals, so it’s best to use lights during the night. It can be difficult to tell what time of day a skunk will come by your property; some people have found that using a motion-sensing light or floodlight is an effective way to consistently ward off intruders at night.

Electronic skunk repellents. Some people have found that electronic repellents are effective at keeping skunks away. Electronic devices work in a variety of ways, including startling animals with loud noises and high-pitched sounds or emitting an odorless gas around your property to keep them from entering the area.

Trapping Skunks

If you have a skunk that just will not leave your backyard dispute following many of the suggestions.

Another option is to set a live trap with some bait inside. You will need to make sure that you check the traps often because skunks can be very difficult animals to catch and could easily get away from your property if they detect them.

Everyone has their own different way of dealing with pests in the yard, but hopefully, this article has given you some new ideas to try.

If you are unsure or not confident trapping a skunk then call a professional.

Skunks are one of the more common animals that people have trouble with in their backyards, and they can be very difficult to get rid of when they decide to make your property their new home.

Where and How To Release Skunks

If you’re going to release the skunk yourself, it’s important that you know where and how. You don’t want someone else in your community trapping a skunk because of something you did! The following are some tips for releasing:

Get as much information about the animal as possible before deciding what to do with them. Many times those who are uncomfortable with wild animals. Will release them in a different area, which you may not want to happen.

Make sure the skunk is close enough that it can make its way home without any assistance. If they’re too far away then they might be unable to find their way back!

Keep your pets inside and on a leash/in a carrier if you’re going to be in the area.

Keep children and pets away from the release point as skunks can bite when they feel threatened or are scared.

If possible, place food items near where you’ll be releasing them – this may help them find their way home! 

Don’t let the skunk near your home or property – they may return to the same area if you do.

It’s important that pet owners know how to handle wild animals like skunks and have a plan in place for any emergencies. So be sure to review this article before contact animal control!


The best way to keep a skunk away from your property is by eliminating possible areas in which they could take up residence. This includes monitoring food sources and restricting access points. Be sure to remove any potential nesting sites near the house as well. Because when you’re on the wrong end of one, it’s not just bad – it can be downright dangerous!