How to Level a Hill in Backyard: Easy to Follow Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

If you have a hill in your backyard, then you know that it can be difficult to get outside and enjoy the yard. A seemingly harmless slope can quickly become an obstacle course for adults and children alike. Whether or not you’re looking to build a deck, install some outdoor stairs or create another feature in your yard, leveling out your slope is often necessary before any other work can begin. We’ll walk through some different steps that will make this process easier for you!

Fill in the Hill

Step 1

You are looking for a way to flatten out the area in your backyard. A good place to start is finding some clean fill that you can dump there and create an even surface where all areas of the ground will be at the same level as one another.

Step 2

Stone retaining walls are a great way to not only level out sloped yards but protect it from erosion. The height of the wall should be even with your high point in order for water runoff and rainwater not to break down or wash away any dirt that might have been on top before you laid the foundation. You’ll need stones, cement, sand & gravel as well as other tools like shovels/picks and rakes depending on what material you choose!

Step 3

In order to minimize standing water, you should provide adequate drainage for the area. You can do this by placing a perforated pipe along the base of your wall on whichever side will be filled in that is closest to an appropriate drain location without causing erosion.

Step 4

You want to fill in space behind that retaining wall so it goes all the way up to where you need it.

Step 5

You should plant grass, ground cover, or other plants that will help to hold the soil in place with their root systems.

Remove the Hill

Step 1

You may want to consider hiring a backhoe or digger, depending on how big the slope is. If you would rather have your yard at ground level with plenty of flat space and less difficulty in gardening then this option will be more beneficial for you.

Step 2

Locate a person or company who will take your fill before you begin removing it. If they’re interested in clean topsoil, there may be people out there willing to pay for it!

Step 3

You’ve just cleared the ground to make way for your new home. What next? You’ll need a retaining wall behind which you can begin digging and building foundations, and that’s where we come in! A construction team is on standby at all times ready to help build it up with quick-drying concrete blocks or any other materials such as timber beams if required – so get in touch now before someone else beats you to it with their own plans!

Step 4

If you have removed all the topsoil from your yard during excavation, be sure to find some new soil and bring it in. If there is still quality topsoil on your sloped land, try scraping off as much of it as possible before removing the slope. After flattening out the ground again with fresh dirt that will hold moisture better than old dirt would do for a long time after rainstorms or irrigation events happen throughout summertime months.

Step 5

Plant grass to keep the soil in place and prevent erosion.

Split the Difference

Step 1

Create a retaining wall to create two tiers of yard space. This will offer opportunities for creative gardening and the water can be directed away harmlessly in one direction by running it off into a pipe behind the fence with drainage holes along its length so that excess rainwater is not held back at any point by this structure!

Step 2

You can use the dirt you dug out from a lower area of your yard to fill up an upper section.

Step 3

The top of the walls should be beautiful and bright. Put in some flowers at the tops to make it seem like you’re walking into a garden, not out of one!

Step 4

If you’re looking to add an attractive and useful accent, we suggest adding a small stairway at the center of your retaining wall that will allow for access between the upper and lower parts of your yard.