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Taking a hot bath has been proven to be one of the most beneficial things that ever existed. It is incredibly relaxing, which does wonders for reducing stress since its side effects are linked to several health issues. Now, would it be beneficial to take a hot bath after surgery?

Benefits of a Hot Bath

Aside from regular hygiene, research suggests that bathing can improve heart health. Why is that? Simple: Taking a warm bath makes the heart beat faster, becoming a healthy workout for anyone who takes it. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that bathing in high temperatures can put an unnecessary strain in the heart, which is dangerous for someone with a pre-existing condition.

Another good thing about hot tubs is that they make breathing easier. Immersing oneself in water past the chest with the head out can improve lung capacity and oxygen intake. The temperature of the water and its pressure are the reasons behind this. Not only that, warm water and faster heartbeats can clear up the sinuses and chest.

A hot bath can also be beneficial for losing weight. According to research, it was found that it can help reduce information and control blood sugar. One should not be mistaken and just assume that one would just submerge oneself in hot water and call it a day. Researchers made it clear that this is not a substitute for exercise. If anything, this should be considered a booster since an experiment that was conducted in the United Kingdom showed that in a group of sedentary men, who took an immersion bath of 102 Fahrenheit during 14 days, the sugar and insulin levels in their blood were down. These results proved that both exercising and a hot bath are similarly beneficial.

Postoperative Care

As its name indicates, postoperative care is the care the patient receives after surgery. The type will vary depending on the type of surgery and health history. Most of the time, postoperative care entails pain management and wound care, beginning right after the procedure is done.

Patients will receive postoperative care during their stay at the hospital and it may continue after they’ve been discharged. Healthcare providers should educate them about the potential side effects and complications of the procedure. Patients also need to ask their doctors what postoperative care will involve. Now, what does this have to do with whether a hot tub can be used or not after surgery? The answer will be provided below.

Using a Hot Tub After Surgery

Since a bath means any soaking activity such as swimming, using a hot tub or anything that allows the incision to be saturated with water, the time before the patient can bathe again will depend on the type of surgery. Most of the time, they’ll be able to do so between 12 to 48 hours. However, more serious surgeries will compel the doctor to ask the patient to wait longer unless they indicate otherwise.

Why wait? Because it will prevent infections and the weakening of the incision line when it becomes wet and soft. This also deters the glue or adhesives that were used during surgery from falling off. Instead of immersion, patients are recommended to take a shower with gentle soap and rinse well, carefully washing the incision. On the other hand, there are too many bacteria in a hot tub, increasing the risk of infection.

Regular Hot Tubs or Inflatable Hot Tubs?

When preparing hot baths, regular bathtubs tend to be the preferred option due to the convenience they provide. However, it’s more economical for houses without bathtubs to invest in a Cheap Inflatable Hot Tubs model. The reason behind this is their easy maintenance and different models available. Inflatable hot tubs can also be placed outdoors or on the balcony.

One great thing about inflatable hot tubs is that they have a built-in heating system that allows the user to increase or decrease the water temperature at will. Some of them have a vibrate mode or hydromassage system with powerful bubble sprays. Unlike regular hot tubs, the insulated cover can be secured over the inflatable hot tub and activate the water filtration system to clean it up for the next bath. Also, the soft padding exerts less pressure on the back and makes it easier to get out since they don’t tend to be slippery.

Any Warning When Taking a Hot Bath?

Taking a hot bath might be beneficial for health, there are several things to keep an eye out on. First of all, there’s the possibility that the high temperature of the water increases blood pressure, which is something a patient with a heart condition should avoid. On the other hand, since people sweat during a hot bath, they can lose water. It might not seem too serious, but this could lead to dehydration in the long run.

Another thing one should be wary of is body temperature. The human body is not meant to have a constant temperature, thus, it releases heat through the head, hands, and feet. Additionally, one should not stay inside the hot tub for more than 30 minutes, 15 to 20-minute dips being the most recommended duration. Finally, pregnant women need to avoid hot baths, so they should lower the temperature of the hot tub.


A hot bath can help lose weight since it regulates the blood sugar levels. Also, they can make breathing easier since the temperature can help clear up the sinuses. Hot baths can increase the heart rate as well, although people with pre-existing heart conditions need to avoid them. On the other hand, patients usually need to wait from 12 to 48 hours to bathe after surgery unless indicated otherwise. One thing to keep an eye out on is the possibility of increased blood pressure due to the high temperature as well as the dehydration risk while using a hot tub. Additionally, women shall not use hot baths during their pregnancy.