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You want to install artificial grass in your backyard, but you have trouble deciding if it will be safe for the environment. Can I Lay Artificial Grass on Soil? Yes! Laying artificial grass is a great way to improve your outdoor living space and make it more environmentally friendly too. It can reduce water usage by up to 60%, which is good for everyone’s pocketbook and the environment.

The finished result of laying artificial grass down without removing the existing lawn is an extremely uneven-looking lawn. This will not provide a pretty or professional-looking yard, so there are many steps that you must take before doing this project to ensure everything goes smoothly and looks great from start to finish!

Reasons Not To Lay Artificial Grass On Dirt

We take a look at some of the reasons why you should not lay artificial grass on dirt. 

1. Dirt is not considered a solid foundation for grass 

Dirt is not a solid foundation and will not be suitable for installing your artificial grass. You will need to have a solid, level foundation that is made of either concrete or some other material.

You’ll want to make sure you have a sound foundation before laying down the artificial lawn because dirt isn’t really strong enough and won’t give it long-term stability.

Do not install artificial turf on dirt because it will be unstable in the long term. You want to make sure you have a stable ground surface before installing your artificial lawn, like concrete or some other material.

If your ground is too soft, it’s not strong enough to hold the artificial grass and will make for a poor lawn installation.

Some people think that installing artificial turf on dirt is ok because they are looking at short-term costs of what needs to be done to install it. But you need to consider the long-term costs. If you install artificial turf on dirt, it will be unstable in the long term and require a lot more work to fix. 

2. Artificial grass will need to be replaced

When you lay artificial grass on dirt it will need to be replaced sooner than if you just laid the artificial grass on concrete. The dirt will make it soft and eventually have to be fixed with some type of material, like a mixture of sand or something else.

3. Artificial grass is not meant to be laid on dirt 

Artificial grass is not meant to be laid on dirt. It will need a lot of fixing and work done to it in the future, which can make your costs go up even more than you expected – but artificial grass isn’t cheap enough that this type of cost won’t matter.

When you lay artificial grass on dirt it will need to be replaced soon after, even if the turf was never stepped on. The softness of the material makes this type of installation require constant fixing and maintenance than an installation laid on concrete or asphalt.

4. Dirt can cause the artificial grass to mat down and become uneven 

Dirt can cause the artificial grass to mat down and become uneven. This will make it impossible for you to enjoy your lawn because of how bumpy or lumpy it becomes after a few months, which can lead to more costs in fixing the installation if not replaced soon enough.

With a bumpy surface, it can also be unsafe for children to play on.

5. Dirt will wear away at the blades of the artificial grass

Dirt will wear away at the blades of the artificial grass, which means that it is very important to clean off your lawn on a regular basis so you don’t have any issues with damage.

A lot of people think they can just sweep their dirt into piles and let them sit there for days or weeks without cleaning up but this just leads to more dirt being blown into your yard, which can cause you a lot of problems.

If the blades are left in contact with dirt for too long without proper cleaning, they will start to wear away and become less effective at catching debris like leaves and other particles that fall from trees. This is going to end up costing you a lot more money in the long run, as you’ll have to replace your artificial grass with new blades.


The whole point of the best artificial grass is to create a cleaner, less time-consuming surface for your outdoor space. Laying it on dirt you are just asking for problems and extra cost down the line. Follow a guide on how to install artificial grass and you will enjoy your backyard much more. While it may seem like a good idea to skip a few steps it is going to cost you time and money down the line.